Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Whoops! Sans boy parts, hello girls.

Update! So we went in for a quick appointment today with my doctor to get some paperwork I needed for work and, since he had a medical student with him today, he offered to take a quick look at the mini sterns. Last week, for those of you who follow my Facebook, you might have seen a post saying something to the effect of "HI, I'm a BOY" and B, still a mystery cause they wouldn't show their goods at all to us... tucked up in a very difficult ball and weren't budging.

Um, after today we found out that last week perhaps they caught a little glimpse of the umbilical cord between the legs and that lead all to believe we were having a boy. However, after today... and with pictures to support this news, it appears as though Jon will soon be significantly out numbered in this house. 4:1, if you include Dahlia our sweet goldendoodle.

I was happy when I thought we were having a boy, and now I'll say I'm super happy we're at least having a girl... and two girls? Well, that's just ridiculous fun. After the appointment, we stopped at Trader Joes, and caught a glimpse into our future. A dad was shopping at the store with his twin daughters, both sporting their matching yellow and pink polka dot rain coats pushing the mini child shopping cart... when one of the girls starts hitting her sister with the cart, of course the sister exclaims "DAD!! She keeps hitting me!!" Jon and I immediately laughed, and I turned and said, "look, it's you in a couple of years!"

I do have to add, I've thought I was pregnant with two girls the whole time..... I guess it seems my instincts were right, although I'll be keeping the tags on any purchases until our 20 week anatomy scan in a couple of weeks. Sorry Mom, all those boy clothes you bought this week were adorable, I'm glad you could find the humor in this news.

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