They made it to the double digits, or should I say we've made it to the double digits. Ten months old, in two more months they'll be a YEAR old. How in the heck?! This month we've been full swing in packing mode for our big cross country move back to Arizona. This by far has been one of the most drawn out and longest packing extravaganzas I've had as for the most part I started super early unsure how long it would take me to pack a house while taking care of twins. When you can only pack about an hour or so a day it makes the task very very slow. Not to mention most exhausted mom's don't think, oh good! It's nap time, let's pack some boxes and sort through closets for things to go to Goodwill. We're getting it done though, and I am eager to finish the task and get settled in our new place. Though, if I'm being honest I am sincerely NOT looking forward to enduring an Arizona summer.
This month seems like a blur because so much seems to have happened in the last thirty days. Summer pulled herself up to standing at the beginning of the month, it was touch and go there for the first up and down.. and now she's turbo crawler and stands up with anything and everything. She is so proud of herself and takes her new crawling freedom to explore all kinds of things as soon as the opportunity avails itself, dishwashers, the fridge, stairs (yikes), jumpers from the outside, you name it she's checking it out. She is definitely our little explorer.
Samantha is still working on crawling or maybe the butt scoot? We can't decide what she'll go for, or perhaps she's just going to skip this whole crawling thing and go straight to walking. She's trying to pull up onto everything just like her sister, and when she's standing she's so dang happy with herself! She's also getting her first two teeth! Our gummy smile will soon be no more, and I can't wait to see those little chompers peaking through when she gives a big grin for the camera.
They both learned to clap this month, they adore spending time looking at all the pictures in their books and then sampling the pages for a little tasty snack. They love being outside and just enjoying some time in the grass, or going on their daily walk with Daddy and their puppy sister. What can I say? These girls know how to live! Naps, hours of playtime, yummy food, warm bottles, long walks, and afternoons in the sun. Such a life!
It's been a good month, even with all the packing and our house being destroyed we've had a lot of fun. I've still worked hard at getting out of the house everyday to do something with the girls and enjoy the numbered days we have left in this beautiful city. We move in just couple of weeks, and thank the heavens my mom is coming out to help the last week and to fly back with me and the girls while Jon makes the long trek across California in a ginormous moving truck towing our baller minivan. This move is bitter sweet, I am looking forward to being closer to family and I am excited about our new house in Arizona, but Portland has become home to Jonathan and I in the last five years...and it will be hard to say goodbye. You take away so much from every place you've lived, and Portland gave life and a fresh start to us when we needed it most. This city met us with open arms, the forest called our names, and we embraced a very different life. This city gave us our two beautiful girls, wonderful friends, and changed perspective. I will miss this place, so so much.
Here's wishing us luck in our next adventure, and moving across the west coast with 10 month old twins!
Melissa, we are going to miss you, but I know I can still live vicariously through your posts. Thanks for sharing your little princesses! Thank goodness for technology! Best to all of you on your move.