Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Mae Turns One!

Just before dawn, after twelve hours of unyielding labor, my water broke. Within moments I was overcome by a force so powerful it took my breath away, I laid down on the bed and looked out the window to see the sunlight peaking through the blinds. For a moment there was pure silence, complete and total peace. Then in the most feminine and human moment of my life, I could feel you and, as if by perfect design, pushed with all the energy in my body. I took one more deep breath as I clung to your dad's hands for support and roared you out my body. It was life's most perfect moment.

Mae, you are the gift I never saw coming. A seemingly impossible circumstance, your tenacious spirit insisted on being here, surprising us all. You have endless energy and a joyful smile that makes anyone's day. You are loud, fast, loyal, loving and one fierce little ball of fire. I cannot imagine my life without you. This family is complete with you in it. You've only been here a year but you've already changed everything. I love you,  Happy 1st Birthday Baby Mae Rose Stern!